nature reserve
A place to discover nature at its best
A little bit of our history…
Parc Bryn Bach was once part of an extensive network of coal mines and colliery works, but in the 1980s the land was reclaimed, and work began on transforming the scarred industrial landscape into a green space and public park.
In the decades since its initial development, Parc Bryn Bach has become a richly diverse eco-system with numerous habitats that have become a haven for all sorts of wildlife. The thriving natural landscape has been named a Green Flag award winning park every year since 2016, and in 2020 it became one of ten officially designated Local Nature Reserves (LNR) in Blaenau Gwent.
The park is owned by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council and managed by Aneurin Leisure Trust, who work together to protect the ecology of the park and to improve its biodiversity and sustainability for the benefit of the wildlife and future generations.
Biodiversity Projects
In recent years we have worked with colleagues at Blaenau Gwent Council’s Ecology and Biodiversity teams to undertake a number of projects to improve the park’s biodiversity and sustainability including:
Installation of two top bar beehives on one of the islands at the centre of the lake to help increase the number of pollinators, which is vital for biodiversity and to create a sustainable future. Top bar hives are a more natural and sustainable way of bee keeping, allowing the bees to build their combs naturally within the hive.
Installation of kingfisher nesting boxes on the islands at the centre of the lake.
Installation of bird and bat boxes throughout the park with internal cameras to monitor usage and provide live footage which can be streamed to monitors in the Visitor Centre for the public.
Installation of wildlife camera traps to document animal activity at the park.
Planting of native tree species and sowing of wildflower mixes throughout the park to create vital foraging opportunities for various species of mammals, birds and insects.
These projects have all been achieved with the help of volunteers from the local community – if you would like more information on volunteering opportunities to help with other practical nature conservation projects, please visit our Volunteering page.
Explore the Nature Trails
There are three nature trails to discover around the park where you can identify different flora, fauna, insects and birds to be found.
Our Wildflower trail is a family-friendly trail where you can explore the local wildlife. It’s approximately 0.3km long and takes around 20 minutes to complete but it’s an easy trail where you can discover the local wildlife.
Our Woodland trail includes more exploration of our wonderful woodland. It’s slightly harder to undertake and is suitable for children under 10 years of age and at 0.6km takes around 40 minutes to complete.
Our Explorer trail is for the more intrepid (and suitable for children over the age of 14 years). It’s approximately 2km long and take around an hour to complete.
To find out more, ask at reception or consult the map on the outside of the visitor centre.
Habitats and Wildlife
Parc Bryn Bach LNR covers an area of 112 hectares and is characterised by man-made habitats such as the lake, plantation woodland and airstrip with some grazed land. The unnatural substrates on this site means that it supports a wide range of habitats including neutral grassland, species-rich acid grassland, dwarf shrub heath and woodland. Which form complex mosaics of habitats that enhance the overall ecological value of the site. Some of the habitats are listed as priority in UK and Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAPs). Therefore, being able to support a variety of species from bats and bumblebees to birds, reptiles and amphibians.
Surveys at the park have recorded species such as hedgehogs, bats, skylark, red kite, palmate newts and a wide range of invertebrate species such as butterflies, bumblebees, damselflies and dragonflies. Some of the species that have been recorded at Parc Bryn Bach, such as hedgehogs and skylark are listed as Priority species for Wales, which are of principal importance for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing biodiversity.
Wildlife you may see at the park:
Common Frog
Palmate Newts
Red Kite
Orange Tip Butterfly
Great Crested Grebe
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
Tufted Ducks
Damselflies and Dragonflies
Fish in the lake:
Plants & Wildflowers:
Southern March Orchid
Rosebay Willow Herb
Greater Willow Herb
Birds Foot Trefoil
Common Ragwort
Ox Eye Daisy
Ragged Robin
Welsh Poppy
Common Knapweed
Devil’s Bit Scabious
Learn more about the local wildlife …
Around the park you’ll find a number of wooden sculptures of the wildlife you can find at Parc Bryn Bach. Simply scan the QR code and Dylan the Duck will introduce you to fascinating facts about his friends.
The Green Flag Award
We're delighted that the Green Flag will be flying at Parc Bryn Bach, in recognition of our environmental efforts, excellent visitor facilities, long-term care of the park and community involvement. The award is run by Keep Wales Tidy and more information can be found at keepwalestidy.cymru/greenflag
Our Sensory Garden
The sensory garden at Parc Bryn Bach has been developed as a place for visitors to sit, relax and enjoy the local beauty of the park. Its array of trees and flora create a wonderful garden to increase the biodiversity of the park and is home to a butterfly hotel. To find out more click here